The Greek World of Folklore
“Folktales are prose narratives of fictional content invented by individual people. They are more often
Paul Kiritsis, PsyD (Clinical psychology), MScMed (Clinical neurophysiology), MA (Western esotericism)
“Folktales are prose narratives of fictional content invented by individual people. They are more often
The name Prometheus has cultural associations to creation, theft, progress, evolution, intelligence, and fore-thinking. In
As we have thus far discerned, myths are humankind’s earliest attempts to explain the phenomena
Harold Newman & Jon O. Newman, A Genealogical Chart of Greek Mythology (Chapel Hill, NC:
For centuries the Hellenes had busied themselves with the technai, the crafts, and specifically
Date of Rulership: 18th February-March 20th
In classical mythology, Dionysus was the Greek god of wine and wine-making, merriment and drunkenness,
Date of Rulership: 19th January-18th February
Date of Rulership: 21st December-19th January
Date of Rulership: 21st November-21st December