“The Riddle of Alchemy” officially released
“The Riddle of Alchemy’ was officially released today and is now available for purchase from

“The Riddle of Alchemy” wins pre-release book award
Paul Kiritsis’s upcoming book, The Riddle of Alchemy, has earned acclaim as a finalist in

Pre-order Kiritsis’s Upcoming Release “The Riddle of Alchemy”
Paul Kiritsis’s new book “The Riddle of Alchemy” will be released on December 10th, 2024,

A Review of “Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America’s Opioid Epidemic”
Deaths due to drug overdoses is like recounting the esoteric exploits of the Grim Reaper,

Video introduction to “Tales of a Spiritual Sun”
Dr. Paul Kiritsis has recorded a video introduction to his new short story collection, “Tales

“Tales of a Spiritual Sun” becomes #1 Amazon Bestseller
“Tales of a Spiritual Sun” hit #2 Best Seller in the category of short stories-historical

The Official Book Launch for “Tales of a Spiritual Sun”
The official book launch for Paul Kiritsis’s new book is scheduled for Friday June 9th,

“Tales of a Spiritual Sun” released on March 30th, 2023
Paul Kiritsis’s collection of short stories entitled, “Tales of a Spiritual Sun” has just been

Dreams of the Future: Extended Interview
In this extended interview Dr. Paul Kiritsis and Dr. Jessica Johnson Parr discuss some of

The Organic Delusions
In this video, clinical psychologist Dr. Paul Kiritsis transforms into different fictional characters as a