The e-book From Apples to Aphrodite (2013) covers most of my earlier work on Hellenistic history and culture and includes articles that were written for the “It’s all Greek to me” blog tour held at in mid-2011. The 281-page work is divided into five specific sections, all of which are orientated towards a different aspect of Hellenism. The first section deals with the historical and mythological substrate from whence Hellenistic thought actually sprung (including expositions on the Greek gods and goddesses); the second with the mysterious Minoan civilization which flourished on Crete until about the Late Bronze Age; the third with the rich, interwoven tapestry of Hellenism’s folkloristic and mythological fabric (i.e. classical eschatological ideas about the afterlife, nymphs, vampires, kallikantzaroi, and so forth); the fourth with the ideas, philosophies, and lives of two prominent esoteric thinkers (Plato and Pythagoras); and the fifth with pre-eminent esoteric ideas that germinated from Hellenic consciousness and came to dominate Western modes of thought.