Psychosynthesis: An Exercise for Training the Will

We are all in possession of a psychic faculty called the personal will which enables us to direct our attention towards the completion of a specific task or to enact a chronological succession of mental and physical activities with an end in sight. Feebleness of will, the subsistence of an embryonic will, or the repeated failure to project and sustain the will is usually responsible for a simulation of human failures including half-finished tasks, indolent daydreaming and fantasy projection, dillydallying in useless and non-productive activities, and the inability to fulfil one’s inherent potential.

One of the most effective ways of training the personal will involves mobilizing the available energy reserves to act in the former’s service. Adhered to on a daily basis, the following visualization exercise will assist in psychic transmutation of available libido into personal willpower:


Relax and centre. Browse the storehouse of your personal memories and pluck out all the ones which relate to lamentable lapses, psychological emergencies, and tragic circumstances that evolved from the cesspool of your incompetence. At the root of this incompetence is your derisory, fickle, and inadequate will. Now zoom into each one of these Shakespearean tragedies and dissect them, examining their origin and evolution. Think about them. Write them down. With your eyes closed summon your active imagination and relive each one as if they were transpiring now. Allow the feelings and emotions connected with them to bubble explode like volcanic eruptions from the depths of your unconscious. Feel the embarrassment and shame of your past failures. Allow the humiliation to turn your face red, and then pay obeisance to the realization that the old ways must be indefinitely dissolved.

Relax and centre. Now construct in your mind’s eye definitive images of success and prosperity which only the sharpening of your personal will can foster. Revel in the knowledge that any such advantages will also benefit those around you, for we are all connected to one another via the interactive field with the propensity to transmute and to be transmuted. Now zoom into each one of these success stories, each one of these Hollywood happy endings, and dissect them, examining their origin and evolution. Contemplate them. Write them down. Feel them being born and bubbling in the depths of your psychic unconscious. Feel them rising to the surface, about to materialize in outer reality and enter into a silent dialogue with them. Connect with the pleasant emotions such circumstances propagate. Feel their urgency and know that you must put all courses of action that will lead to their materialization into action at once.

Relax and centre. Now conjure a phantasmagorical sequence of images in which you are possessed and overwhelmed by the drive to succeed. Feel in in your bones and in the pit of your stomach. You are alive and your life is full of laughter and song; you walk with a light spring in your step and you make wise, pertinent choices conducive to your own psychospiritual growth and self-actualization. Your will is such that you can persist, again and again, returning to every impasse and mental precipice like a rogue greybeard until you wear it down and it crumbles away. Your concentration subsists unbroken for extended periods without being disturbed. You are successful. Bring to mind all instances where you were unable to do this and invert the ending through active imagination so that it accords with a robust and obstinate will.


After concluding the abovementioned affirmations look for inspirational literature that will nurture the propagated sentiments and ground the philosophy in day-to-day experience. Books about significant personalities that have transcended their own physical, emotional, and intellectual limitations and given back to the world in some qualitatively measureable way are a good choice. In hindsight the genre (be it non-fiction or fiction) isn’t particularly circumstantial but the choice must promote proactivity and reflect self-sufficiency. The way you go about this task is important: read at turtle speed, returning to the parts that you feel correspond to the sharpening of the personal will and re-read them over and over until they have joined the amorphous mental furniture in your unconscious. Write them down and juxtapose them with your own; all the while contemplate what characteristics and qualities of the fictitious or non-fictitious personality have contributed to her or her train of successes. Quite often the third-person perspective spurs us to revelations that would have otherwise remained dormant had we continued our exercise in self-reflection with only the single yardstick of our own successes and failures to go by. Hence we should read and re-read these passages scrupulously, scrying for an understanding based on the development of the personal will. Once we have ascertained the underlying qualities which fuel strong and persistent willpower, we commit to those behaviours and actions that tangibly express them. If the endeavour is not grounded in experience it remains a psychological idealism–in other words worthless.



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