The Promethean Myth in Light of Jungian Psychology
The name Prometheus has cultural associations to creation, theft, progress, evolution, intelligence, and fore-thinking. In
Greek Creation Myths: Hesiod’s Theogony
As we have thus far discerned, myths are humankind’s earliest attempts to explain the phenomena
A Genealogical Chart of Greek Mythology
Harold Newman & Jon O. Newman, A Genealogical Chart of Greek Mythology (Chapel Hill, NC:
Western Alchemy: Child of Greek Philosophy
For centuries the Hellenes had busied themselves with the technai, the crafts, and specifically
The Zodiac: Pisces the Fish
Date of Rulership: 18th February-March 20th
The Greek Gods and Goddesses: Dionysus
In classical mythology, Dionysus was the Greek god of wine and wine-making, merriment and drunkenness,
The Zodiac: Aquarius the Water-Bearer
Date of Rulership: 19th January-18th February
The Zodiac: Capricorn the Goat
Date of Rulership: 21st December-19th January
The Zodiac: Sagittarius the Archer
Date of Rulership: 21st November-21st December
Classical Hades: A Chapter in the History of Hell
A great many centuries before Jewish and Christian ideas surrounding heaven and hell appeared, the