The Cult of Hathor-Isis and the Mother Archetype (Part One)
Today we will be looking at the Great Mother archetype, and specifically its evolution

The Cult of Hathor-Isis and the Mother Archetype (Part Two)
The growing independence of masculinity and systematization of ego consciousness in early mankind manifests itself

Choosing to contemporise, reconstruct, retell or interpret any ancient myth, particularly fragments of universally recognised

On the Origin of the World
At times, one can marvel at the sheer scope of archaeological treasures that have

The Ophites and the Cult of the Serpent
The theologians and church fathers whom laid the foundations of the orthodox stream of Christianity

Gnostic Symbology
Just like their pagan forebears and contemporaries, the Gnostics usually wore jewellery and used various

Eve: The Fallen Goddess
Few people living in the developed countries of the world wouldn’t have heard of the

The Trembling Veil of the Virgin Mary (Part One)
Few countries around the world enjoy the rich and multi-coloured religious and folk traditions

The Trembling Veil of the Virgin Mary (Part Two)
Another honorary title was conferred upon the Virgin Mary shortly afterwards when, at the council

Alchemy: A Historiographical Analysis (Part One)
In contemporary times the word “alchemy” is most often connected with a transformation or change